Wednesday, April 25, 2012
one step closer
...I don't know how much more I can take
Pass the purex...
This morning I saw a news story how kids are now drinking hand sanitizer as a substitute for alcohol. They are showing up in hospitals all over the country. They say downing one of these bad boys has the equivalent of a shot of 140 proof.
I have several questions on this matter and I have a feeling I won't get a smart answer for any of them. Where are the parents that don't notice little Jimmy just went through 4 bottles of purex in a day, I doubt he's a clean freak?
The stuff smells horrid let alone tastes good. Who the hell thought this was yummy and a good idea. I guess they have recipes for it to make it tolerable. What do they mix in it their juice boxes or something? OMG the stupidity!!!
Do what we all grew up doing. Ask an older family member, make older friends, pay some old guy/woman, or just fucking grow up. Getting "drunk" is only cool when you're 16. When you actually become of age it's just sad and pathetic. Wait a couple years and you won't be so hard up for a buzz.
And why are you desperate for a high? What did someone steal your animal cookies? Did you miss your naptime? These kids leave me with no hope for the future and an utter disappointment in mankind.
(Sigh) Next thing ya know it'll be kept behind a counter cuz some idiots again decided to smoke/eat/drink somethin not intended for consumption. I might rant some more on this...
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Not a challenge
I was bumming this morning for reasons that are way too long to explain. The one person I think would cheer me up then asks me what the hell happened now because I'm always depressed. Obviously this helped none with my mood.
I get to work and 10 minutes in I broke open a gallon of milk. I have OCD people telling me how to bag and they are using their filthy cat hair lined save the world bags as usual. These little things are adding up and I am so irritated.
Monday, April 16, 2012
bottom of the bottle
I try different things each time around. Nothing seems to relieve it much. I tend to destroy myself a little in the process. All in the name of my sanity, eh? I just feel so torn lately. I feel one way and think another. I can rationally think something out, then dam emotions get in the way. They in turn change my mind...but the emotions become confused and tangled. I wish I could write exactly how I feel, but it's hard for me to describe.
Feels like a few good friends which I rely on strongly have faded. Sure I know they are there, but it's like they can't even touch me while I'm in this haze. Picture yourself in a very dimly lit room filled with smoke. You can just make out the people as they pass within feet of you. You reach out asking for help and they look up as if they think they might have heard something, but are not sure. So they keep going. I can literally picture it in my head how it feels. Kinda haunting in a way...awful dreary.
Why don't I find the excitement in life like others do? I often wonder this, why they seem so cheery. Just as a friend told me they don't understand how I can be 'down' all the time, I don't understand how they can be 'up' all the time.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Mind your own
Today has been an odd day in the store. It's busy, lines, people are in a hurry. So it's safe to say people are kinda moody and grouchy. And of course today seems to be crawling with creepers.
These creepers try anything from lame pick up lines to bribing you with alcohol at some party.
1. It's not working so stop
2. I'm legal age to drink, I don't need your creepy ass hookin me up with drinks
3. Please don't touch me under any circumstance
But seriously the bitchiness was at an all time high. My sister's kids were playing and yes getting a little loud. This is nothing new and compared to most they were mild. Yet this woman literally screamed at them to knock it the fuck off. Look lady, I deal with annoying kids all day, but under no right can you scream at other peoples' kids in the middle of the store.
I know we get the urge, but that's what blogging is for. Vent about it, push past it as just another day. I could not believe this woman. If I had been closer I would have yelled right back.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
bad bad bad night
People say the answer is simple enough, what makes you happy? The thing is I don't know. Sure I have a general idea. I want what most want: happiness, health, stability, love, and the usual. But the means to come about it are completely foreign to me. Do I stay as I am being content? Do I take a step back and try to fix what I once thought was un-fixable? Or do I take a new route never taken before?
It gets very overwhelming too fast and I'd rather put it out of my mind. That doesn't solve the problem, I just keep pushing it back. It surfaces now and then in violent unpredictable waves. One minute I am fine...the next I want to cry until I pass out.
Sometimes I wonder if I had stayed home instead of going that day how different things would be...
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
can I help you?
A man walks up to service desk, the following starts with me:
"Good afternoon sir." He throws some hardware on the counter. "What can I do for ya?"...I get a blank stare. He shoves it toward me. "Are we returning or exchanging?"
This soon looks like a guessing game. After a round of 20 questions he was asking if we had anymore of them available, where to find them, and how much they are. Then he checks outs. To get all that information I had to ask single question after question to frickin get it out of him. Save us the time and just speak...most dogs can do so on command.
In soviet Russia...
I haven't looked at stats since I started this blog. It was my own personal journal. Then I shared it with only a couple friends. I post it on my Facebook every so often, but again that is just friends. I check the stats today and it says its been viewed from Russia, Sweden, Brazil, Turkey, and a few other random countries. Just an interesting thought is all...after all this is pretty much my diary.
customers please
make up your mind
Monday, April 9, 2012
some things you don't know about me
1. I HATE live versions of songs, they tweak em in a studio for a reason, they sound better. That and live versions always have fans screaming -_-
2. I am deathly afraid of spiders, like I almost ran into traffic before to avoid one.
3. My tastes in music range from Frank Sinatra and big swing bands all the way to Lamb of God and Korn, everything in between. There isn't much music I find that I won't listen to.
4. I can have a very dry and sometimes cruel sense of humor. I don't usually show the cruel side, but I don't even share an example for the fact I know I will offend.
5. I am allergic to cherries. It starts with a little puffiness...then full on scratchy swollen throat...ER anyone?
6. I often have bad anxiety which leads in severe cases to panic attacks. I don't remember how many times I have had one of these attacks to the point I will just pass out flat on the ground.
7. I am very indecisive, I will change my mind every few seconds-minutes on something.
8. I am a nice person (alright stop the laughing). I mean it, I'd do anything in the world for people. I can be one of the nicest people you will ever meet. Until you hurt me or are rude...then well...maybe I'm not so nice
9. I tend to start a hundred projects and never finish them. It takes a lot of my focus to just get it done. Think the only thing I have come close to completing all the way is school. Which brings me to...
10. I will graduate this year with an associates in business management and am going back right away to work on my bachelors. I hate school, why did I think this would be fun.
11. I took 3 years of German in school. I can read a decent amount and speak as much as I need to function. I am not fluent. But I still find it amusing to have a conversation not many can understand, everybody seems to take Spanish :P
12. I am strongly republican and I don't know why O_o
13. I love hunting, opening day of deer season might as well be a holiday for me.
14. I am a gamer, never have I gone without some kind of console. It started with original nintendo and almost every one since.
15. I have a daughter, Kaitlyn, she's almost 4 now.
16. Comedy is my absolute favorite thing. Movies, comedians, and anything else that makes me laugh.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
can you feel the love tonight
all up in my business
"Oh you can wait just like anybody else. Stand there givin me that look. You ain't got no where to be in that much of a hurry. Don't you be rushin me."
In his shaky old voice, "ma'am? pardon?"
"You heard me, givin me that look. You can just sit right back there where you were and wait. It's because of people like you holidays get ruined. Can't wait your own dam turn."
Still shaky as ever voice, "Excuse me ma'am I don't know what you're talking about? I'm just moving because I'm in pain"
The stupid woman keeps going on in a rant now about how he was rushing her out of the way and giving her "that look". Okay at this point lady I really AM giving you that look. He wasn't "up in your goodies". You are about to start a fight because you thought some old guy was crowding you?! This wasn't just a "you sure are rude mister". This was full on, "let me take my rings off, I'm gon beat grandpa's ass".
This old man sincerely had no idea what she was talking about. I told the women they were all set and to have a nice day, she walked away still bitching. I came straight back to the old man telling him he was just fine and asked if he needed anything.
He said he was fine, but still didn't understand what went on. Said he simply had a bad leg, hence the cane, and had to take some steps to relieve the pain a bit. His wife asked me after the order if he had done something wrong she didn't notice. Told her he didn't do anything wrong. I apologized and truly wished them a better Easter.
People these days...
twist the truth til you feel better
"I'm my own person, it wasn't on me. He can do whatever he wants to do with his life. That's up to him."
"But you told us you got in the car knowing he had it and was smoking it. It's still illegal, you knew about it, and you both were caught while he had it still on him."
"I don't make his decisions in life. Besides I want to be part of homeland security one day. Do you think I'd be doing that stuff?"
"Ma'am do you think Homeland Security would let people do that because it's their life and decisions to make? If you're going to do something like that you need to keep your background clean and getting arrested with people having drugs won't make that happen."
"I'm sure you being a cop don't have a clean background either. Look at what you people have done before and now you're pulling this on innocent people like me."
Listen here girly, your bitch ass knew it was on him and it's illegal. Simple as that. He gets busted and so do you for not telling him to get it the fuck out of the car. It isn't that hard of an idea to understand. The fact you try to squirm your way out by saying "he does it not me", don't mean shit. You knew it was wrong...face the shit that happens. Don't try to bullshit out of it and try throwing dirt on the people arresting ya. I guarantee by the looks of ya alone this wasn't your first arrest. In fact they just confirmed it with your background check.
You're an idiot...go "not" smoke another one and pretend to know what you're talking about. Excuses, excuses...